Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Yesterday, Rep McDermott made a point of not saying the words "under God" as he led the House in the recitation of the Pledge of allegiance. I understand that he's trying to make some political hay out of this (as well as making a personal point, let's not forget), but the House has already ruled on this issue, as the Washington Times point out.

"The House has overwhelmingly approved two resolutions expressing outrage at the June 2002 decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that it is unconstitutional to have schoolchildren recite the Pledge in class because it includes the words "under God."
Mr. McDermott was one of seven Democrats who voted against a March 2003 House resolution — approved 400-7 — that condemned the 9th Circuit decision as inconsistent with the Supreme Court's interpretation of the First Amendment. The House passed a similar resolution, 416-2 in June 2002, immediately after the court's decision, and Mr. McDermott joined 10 Democrats in voting "present." "

Even if he disagrees with the resolutions, and he definitely has the public right to say so, it's time he shuts up about it. He tried, he lost, better luck next time.


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